showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Ultraman: Kaijuu Teikoku no Gyakushuu  Bandai1987"Ultraman: Kaijuu Teikoku no Gyakushuu" is the first Ultraman videogame. First task in every level is to build up your power bar via collecting energy balls. So you are running and shooting enemies and try to find and collect the energy balls. Once the bar is complete you are ready to transform into Ultraman and challenge the end boss of each level in hand to hand combat. The game is really average. While the platform/shooting parts are playable the boss fights suffer from bad controls. Each level has different graphics but plays very similar (except for two levels which are pure horizontal-scrolling shooting parts) and the graphics are not very detailed. labelimageminimize
Seiken Psycho Caliber: Majuu no Mori Densetsu  Imagineer1987The screenshots don't deceive this time. Many gameplay elements of "Seiken Psycho Calibur" are directly taken from [game=#9176]The Legend of Zelda[/game]. It plays quite well and has enough different areas to explore. However you should get yourself a good walkthrough before playing this game. The monsters are not the problem, but you often don't know exactly what to do and some essential items are really well hidden. There are some typical hint and shop NPCs around, but you won't get much useful information from them. Graphics and music are ok, but not an improvement over the original Zelda. labelimageminimize
Kamen Rider Black: Taiketsu Shadow Moon  Bandai (Human)1988After the unpleasant [url=]Kamen Rider Club: Gekitotsu Shocker Land[/url] I didn't expect much from the second Kamen Rider game for the Nintendo. Well, Kamen Rider Black turned out to be even worse. Below average graphics and sound and a very very frusrtrating and unintuitive control scheme. It seems they put in quite a lot of enemies known from the TV show, but the levels are boringly designed. Some stages you drive with your motiorbike - even in an underwater stage. I don't know if this is in the show as well, but it feels silly and weird. End of level boss fights are seen from a zoomed in perspective with bigger character sprites. In contrast to the first Kamen Rider game this is completely linear and has no distracting RPG elements. labelimageminimize
Samurai Sword  Capcom1988 labelimageminimize